Josep Lluis Xuclà
Josep Lluís Xuclà
Barcelona, 1956
Interior designer at the Escola d’Arts Aplicades i Oficis Artístics Llotja, Barcelona.
In 1977 initiation in the world of graphic design (posters, logos, etc).
In 1980-1985 he worked at Atri, a contemporary design furniture store.
In 1985-1990 he started and worked at Punto Luz, a contemporary design lighting store.
In 1990-1992 he created his own lighting shop Diagonal Iluminación.
Since 1992, he has created his own Interior Design and Design Studio in Sèneca Street, 6 in Barcelona, where he carries out interior and exterior lighting and interior design projects, from his initial phase, executive project to project management and coordination, at the same time that collaborations with various architects and landscape designers.